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Mixed Grant & Loan

Community Enterprise Fund

Community E F
Type: Mixed Grant & Loan
Value: £25k (up to 20% grant)
Location: England and Wales
Currently open? : No

What is the Community Enterprise Fund?

The Community Enterprise Fund (CEF) supports community organisations with funding packages of blended loan and grant fund of up to £25k. The emphasis of the fund is impact in the community.

Who is it for?

Community organisations (charities and social enterprises) based in England and Wales. A community organisation is defined as an organisation that is owned by or operating clearly for the benefit of the community within which it is located.

Not sure if this fund is for you? Want to talk about your eligibility or have any questions about the application process? 

Am I eligible?

  • Based in England or Wales
  • Legally constituted and a registered charity or social enterprise, primarily constituted for social benefit
  • Owned by or operating clearly for the benefit of the community within which it is located
  • Operating for at least one year
  • Can provide evidence of need for and benefit to your local community

What could I receive?

Product  Blend of unsecured loan and grant fund (up to 20% grant)
Amount  Up to £25k in total
Term  4 – 7 years
Interest Rate 1-5% per annum fixed
  • Capital repayment holiday of up to 12 months (optional)
  • No early pre-payment fees
Security  Unsecured
Purpose Any purpose, excluding refinancing

How do I apply?


Contact us to discuss your funding need 


We’ll consider your suitability and contact you with any questions 


Your funding request goes to SIB committee 


We’ll be in touch with the decision 

How does the fund work?

This is a small pilot fund part funded by the ASDA Foundation.

Chat to us

Want to chat through the process or find out if this fund is right for you? We’re here to help. Get in touch: or 020 3096 7900

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Value: £5k - £15k
Location: England
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Type: Mixed Grant & Loan
Value: £25k - £250k (40% grant)
Location: England
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