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Community Energy partnerships

We are developing a broad partnership to support community organisations with the transition to net zero. We’re keen to work with funding partners, and partners who can offer technical expertise and professional support.

Funding partners

At SIB, we create and manage a range of social impact investment funds. These funds are used to make investments into high impact charities and social enterprises across the UK. We have provided over £340m of investment across more than 15 funds, and these figures are only growing.

Our investment partners include government departments, local authorities, institutional investors and charitable foundations.

Currently, we are developing a funding partnership to support the development of community energy initiatives. For more information, visit


Support partners

In a recent SIB survey, 91% of community organisations that responded stated that they are considering the impact of net zero on their organisation. However, they cited issues including technical expertise, legal and community engagement advice as barriers to progress.

We are developing a partnership of support to help charities and social enterprises access the specialist expertise they need to progress their net zero ambitions.

To find out more about opportunities to join our community of support partners, contact the team at

Interested in net zero transition?

If your charity or social enterprise is interested in net zero transition, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the team at

Interested in net zero transition?

If your charity or social enterprise is interested in net zero transition, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the team at